One Month Anniversary!
Thank you for returning for the 3rd VLOG/BLOG at TKSTUDIOSNY! This week marks our first month anniversary :). Last week the 10am Pilates class reached full capacity. This coming week, we are adding 3 new classes: 8am Pilates, 6pm Pilates and 7:30pm Yoga for Healing (aka Yoga4Sobriety). All new Pilates classes were by request.
We hope you had a great 4th of July and we would like to especially thank our men and women of service for our freedom. As a special thanks, all those past or present serving our country will be treated to free classes for the rest of July.
Upcoming VLOG/BLOGs will include mini workouts, healthy tidbits I have picked up along the way and my personal story. Hope to see you in the studio soon :)